lawnmower blenny


Active Member
I was wondering that about my Lawnmower as well. My guy is fun to watch and has a lot of personality. He does not eat the algae off the rock, he attacks it. Maybe he thinks it is going to run away. Oh well he may be stupid, but he is fun to watch.


Sorry about the delay, I left town for the weekend.
I wouldn't worry about the sinking algea pellets. Do you have other fish in the tank? What food do you feed them? Your blenny will not come up and eat at feeding, he will graze all day and night. If you feed you other fish with algea flakes enough will fall for the blenny, between that and the pods he will be one happpy guy.
Just keep an eye on him. How new is he? Mine stayed in one spot for almost 2 weeks then he started swimming/hopping around. If your guy seems lethargic he may just be acclimating, like I said it took mine almost two weeks. Do not keep trying to feed him if he is not eating in front of you, that will cause an amonia problem. Just be patient with him, he will begin to show you his ways.
Good luck, I promise to check more frequently.


hes pretty new and yeah hes is eating alot more than i thought he would. got alot of personality and is very funny to watch. thanks for the input


Yeah it took my blenny about 2 weeks to want to come out.
We thought he died but he showed up when we made the 55 gal into saltwater. We lifted his rock and he swam off. He did get on the coral some times. But not like now. Today he was chasing his tail like a dog. He was bitting ick off it. Poor guy. Were saving him though.