I have a 125 that is about a month past cycle and I picked up a bunch of hair algae during the process. I only have put 5 Chromis and 1 Lawn Mower Blennie in the tank. They have been doing great and all is well. The LMB has been a real treat to watch and there is engough live rock to go around. I have 100 lbs of Marshall island with tons of hiding places.
My question is, I read that with a large enough tank, I might be able to have two of them so I got another one. The first one is really aggressive toward the new one [to be expected]. The new one is doing well and is eating, but getting chased by the old one. They are the same size. Will this ever stop? There is no way I can think of to catch the first one to pull him out. Just curious what you think I should do.