Lazy Nassarius Snails


Active Member
I recently bought three of these snails, they are huge about 2". They are the "fancy" ones. These things do nothing. They burrowed under the substrate and haven't seen any movement since. One of the sits on top of the sand and curls almost out of the shell and just lays there. They are alive but do NOTHING at all. Anyone else have this kind of experience with them? Suggestions?


Active Member
The first two I just temp acclimated them. ( I know, people don't like that) I usually do that with the snails and don't have a problem. The third, which I got the day after, I dripped for a little over a hour and it dosen't do anything either. When I fed the brain a silver side one of the first snails came out of no where, stole it, and ate it in 7 minutes.
They have been in the tank for about four days.


Active Member
I would be fine with that but they haven't moved more than a few inches since they were put in.
Oh yeah, and they are not dead.


your salt is way to low for inverts yours converts to 1.019 which is very low it needs to be 33.2 to 35 PPT 1.025-1.026 to sustain inverts properly.


Active Member
What kind of food am I suppose to feed them? I see they ate my brains silverside. Anything else less messy?


Active Member
there probably isn't any reason to feed them, they will find enough on their own. mine pop out for anything i put into the tank, which is mostly frozen stuff.


Active Member
yeah, these things are super lazy, they are not coming up. Also the one I told everyone was doing all these weird things ontop of the sand died. Oh well, sux, but can't do anything about it.


Active Member
No I don't. I have to find the other one that I put in with the one that just died. I wonder where he is and how he is doing. If one dies under the sand is that going to spike ammonia? Like I said , they are big.


Active Member
Sometimes the LFS will keep the salinity lower so diseases won't develope, depending on tank size it shouldn't spike your ammonia.