

I got my tank running, and in the overflow box, both pipes that take water to the sump were leaking. Previous owner had them sealed on top only, so I unscrewed from bottom and packed on the silicone, tightened it up and added more silicone. Got it running, just fine, back full of water... no problems... Now both of them are leaking again on the back, slow drip. Cant take them apart and my silicone busted out the back so i had to throw it away. Plus its wet... what can I do?


Originally Posted by renogaw
try teflon tape on the threads of the bulkhead?
Good Question renogaw. The business I'm in, I work with plastic pipe almost daily and teflon tape on threads IS a must!


Im emptying that box now... just gonna try plastering it with silicone lol. When I get done, that crap aint ever moving again!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
Good Question renogaw. The business I'm in, I work with plastic pipe almost daily and teflon tape on threads IS a must!

hehe me too...
silicon may work also, just clean with alcohol around the area, and tighten the nuts as much as possible.


I think I would try cutting out the old fittings, if you can't get them off any other way, and use new ones with teflon. Also remember, when a fitting is leaking, its real easy to over tighten and crack the fitting or the tank. Just my 2 cents.


Thanks, yea I tried getting it snug without tight. With it being siliconed on both sides I really hate to cut it all off, especially since i cant even reach down in there.


Here is what I discovered. The silicone on the top of the glass has unsealed basically all the way. HOWEVER, The way the pipes are in there, i can only turn them about an eighth of a turn. He sealed the pipes in, then built the overflow box around the pipes. So now I have these unsealed pipes, and I cant even reach down in there. Its a 2 foot drop, with 3 pipes in a small box. No room for anything but water. Ideas? Im thinking I cut off all the silicone from the bottom... take the nut off, push up on the pipe so it comes out of the top, slam with silicone on top, pull down and tighten. I really dont want to do this, so im hoping theres a better suggestion... How about just fill the box with 1 inch of silicone?


Is there any kind of fluid that I could pour in the box that will harden up and completely take care of this problem for good?