Leaking Oceanic Nature View 75

ed d

What a rude awakening. I heard some rumbling, I thought it was my furnace. No, It was the pumps in my aquarium were running dry.
I have a 6 month old Oceanic Nature view 75 Gallon aquarium. The f*******G thing leaked out of the bottom gasket. :mad: I think I lost about 50 gallons of water into the basement.
Has anyone else had any problems with Oceanic Nature view 75 Gallon aquarium?
I got the livestock and live rock out and put it in a garbage can with the rest of the water.
Clean up activities. - Any suggestions will help
- HArd wood floors - Moped and dried up?
- Dry wall ceilings in the attic??? What will I need to do here. Sould I punch some holes to help it DRY??
- Carpeting - I keep vacuuming with a wet dry.
Any clean up suggestions would be appriciated.
Some days I wish I could go to work!!:mad:
Back to cleaning up!!


New Member
You should get a dehumidifier to help extract the moisture/wet in the room. There is an opportunity for the hardwood floor to buckle/warp from the moisture. Did any get under or go through the seams between the boards? The wall should also be dried, if it is not properly dried there is an opportunity for mold growth in the wall cavities. Are the walls exterior, insulated? If you do not have a dehumidifier you could always contact a water restoration company such as Servicemaster or ServPro. They specialize in this type of thing. They have moisture testers which they which work as a stud finder would, they can test the moisture behind the wall and under the floor without being destructive. Wood contains a moisture content of around 12% normally. IMHO, it is better to be safe than sorry, I would contact one to come out and see what kind of moisture readings they get. Also, if the floor does buckle somewhat it is possible for a true hardwood floor to lay back down in a 4-6 week period if dried properly. If you start to have a problem you could also contact your insurance company but I would start with a water restoration company. If money is deciding factor contact your insurance company if necessary.


New Member
If the carpet is wet when walked on and you are not successful drying it, then it is because the water is in the pad below the carpet. This is very difficult to dry once wet. For this I would suggest pulling the carpet back and removing the wet section of the pad by cutting it out. You can easily replace a section of pad as long as it is pretty similiar in thickness and density. The problems you have could also be increased by the aquarium which will keep the humidity level higher in the area and it will take somewhat longer for water to be pulled out.

ed d

Thank you Tigerhawk for you suggestions.
Here is were we are.
I am getting great service from my LFS. They did not have the tank to exchange, nor could the find an upgrade, they delivered a loaner 75 until the replacement could get in. Thinking it would be easiest if I didn't have to remove the loaner of the stand when the new tank comes in, I set the loaner tank on the floor in a different location from where it leaked.
The life stock all survived the ordeal. I found out how slippery Mr. Eel is when i tried to transfer him with my hands.
Clean Up:
Carpet: rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned and vacuumend many times. Soaking up some of the last water with towels. Fans blowing on carpet and dehumidifier running
Ceiling: remove a couple of the wetest sections of dry will. Poke holes in other sections. Have a couple of fans blowing at holes,
Hard wood floors - Mopped with lysol and have fans blowing on them. Removed the floor molding from behind where the tank was.
Keeping the heat up high. Luckily it was 75 and sunny today.
I'll keep you up to date on how the low cost clean up goes.
I am almost done cleaning for the night. I have cleaning up almost all day, from 6:30 am to 9:30. one more hour and I'm done.
(for tonight)


New Member
Sounds like you have a good handle on it. Good luck with the clean up. Now would be a good time to upgrade to a larger tank:)!
The only reason i asked was if it leaked into the basement from the floor abovethere might be problems.If it soaked thought hard wood or carpet means that it soaked though the wood underlayment. That to be a problem later on down the road if you go to put any furniture there or your tank again .As seeing the floor might warp badly with anything heavy on it after it's been soaked like that. I just want you to be sure where it exactly leak .Just in case you have to replace the floor .