Learn english or go to jail??

darthtang aw

Active Member
Here is where I have a slight problem with this.
Many of us have complained about activist judges that hand down punishments based off of personal views instead of the letter of the law.
I see no law in any state or this country that requires a person to learn english.
Now with that said, I can understand all reasons to have someone learn english, but until this is a law the judge has no authority to order this.
actually now that I sit and think about it, they were placed on probation. and in probationary measures people placed on probation are told not to drink alcohol for the duration, yet alcohol is legal to consume and there is also no law against its consumption if over the age of 21.
I guess I need to think more on this as to whether I feel the judges rule was within the letter of the law.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Remember the good old days when we were the great American Melting pot? Poeple came from all over the world. They learned the language, they learned new traditiotns and kept some old. They "mixed in", and after being stirred, the broth tasted all the better for the additions.
Now, we're more like vinegar and oil dressing. You can shake it all day, and the components do not mix.

yeah... remember the good old days when they came here legally


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Here is where I have a slight problem with this.
Many of us have complained about activist judges that hand down punishments based off of personal views instead of the letter of the law.
I see no law in any state or this country that requires a person to learn english.
Now with that said, I can understand all reasons to have someone learn english, but until this is a law the judge has no authority to order this.
actually now that I sit and think about it, they were placed on probation. and in probationary measures people placed on probation are told not to drink alcohol for the duration, yet alcohol is legal to consume and there is also no law against its consumption if over the age of 21.
I guess I need to think more on this as to whether I feel the judges rule was within the letter of the law.
There is also no law against not having a job, drinking, no law requiring a person to attend anger managment but judges order people not to drink, to attend anger managment and make a job a condition of probabtion all the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I"m not sure what kind of judge this is, but federal judges aren't elected.
They are sill appointed by elected officials (President). They are approved by elected officals (Senate).
Your vote still counts, except in the Democrat Presidential Primary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
They are sill appointed by elected officials (President). They are approved by elected officals (Senate).
Your vote still counts, except in the Democrat Presidential Primary!
That's what Hillary and Bill are hoping...


Active Member
I think this is something that will benefit these guys... It speaks to my point I was making in another thread that our criminal justice system doesn't rehablitate inmates... it serves as punishment only and it also serves as a learning center for criminal activity. By giving these guys incentive and opportunity to get a GED and learn english will do more for them as far as being productive citizens than will giving them a 2 year sentence.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
There is also no law against not having a job, drinking, no law requiring a person to attend anger managment but judges order people not to drink, to attend anger managment and make a job a condition of probabtion all the time.
That's not the same thing. The alcoholic was told to quit drinking because that was the problem that lead to his crime (DUI, etc). Same with someone charged with battery/assault and ordered to take anger management. The fact that these guys didn't know English has nothing to do with them plotting to rob someone/thing.
While I do agree with this particular case in what the judge handed down, what Darth said is true and you can't have a bunch of judges handing down oddball sentences.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
That's not the same thing. The alcoholic was told to quit drinking because that was the problem that lead to his crime (DUI, etc). Same with someone charged with battery/assault and ordered to take anger management. The fact that these guys didn't know English has nothing to do with them plotting to rob someone/thing.
While I do agree with this particular case in what the judge handed down, what Darth said is true and you can't have a bunch of judges handing down oddball sentences.
But once agian, it depends on your perspective on the subject. One could argue that poverty and socio-economic status reflects on a persons propensity to commit crime. There is little debate that communication skills are vital to success in life. So addressing the lack of communication skills, in an attempt to lift the criminal out of their current socio-economic status would not be anymore out of step than madating sobriety, a GED or, a steady job.