Learned a hard lesson...


So, on top of battling a severe throat infection this past week, I come home from the store today to find that my Midas Blenny was no where to be found in the tank... He usually comes and greets me at the front and does his usual performance... No show. I checked his two favorite holes and he wasn't there.
Then, with a sinking heart, I looked down the side of the tank at the floor, and lo and behold, there he was. Dead.
He obviously jumped out of a small-ish hole in the back of the canopy which I had been meaning to cover.
What a horrible week.
Lesson learned, though.
And he was my favorite... =(


Active Member
I'm sorry to hear that.
My Yellow watchman goby did that but since my refugium is part of the back of the tank he landed in there and I had to remove eveything to get him out 3 months later. I thought he was dead and one night looked back there and there he was sitting there staring back at me. He was skinny.
how long of a distance was it from the water level to the lid of the tank? i always wanted a midas blenny, sorry for your loose.


Thank you for the condolences. We were actually going to go get our lid this weekend. Ironic, no?
At least the cats didn't eat him, otherwise I'd still be clueless.


Well, God bless my dear boyfriend (the "Nick" in "Kanicky"). When I called and told him about the Midas, I must have sounded pretty pitiful, because he went to our LFS and got me a "baby" Midas, another False Perc to be with our lonely one, a refractometer, an algae scrubber, and a top for our tank.
Both additions are now acclimating, and looking well.
I am blessed! :happyfish


Active Member
ya, u r, my lfs would be like "well, dontcha think 2 fish in a 90 is a bit much? ur bioload may not be able to handle it...."


Active Member
if you got a glass top for the tank, be careful, because they will cause the temp to fluctuate. I stopped using the glass top and then lost a $50 flame angel to carpet surfing. I now use eggcrate, works great.


Oh my! Bless your heart. I am SO sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet little blenny.

You were so helpful to me when I posted about the midas that I bought that was so thin and pitiful looking. Now, 2 weeks later, he is thriving! Such a piggie and looks soooo much better! I'm going to have to take some updated pics to share. So much personality and character in such a little fish, it's hard not to fall in love with them. I know how much you loved yours.
And yes, you ARE blessed to have such a wonderful boyfriend!
Gotta share some pics of the baby midas!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kanicky
Well, God bless my dear boyfriend (the "Nick" in "Kanicky"). When I called and told him about the Midas, I must have sounded pretty pitiful, because he went to our LFS and got me a "baby" Midas, another False Perc to be with our lonely one, a refractometer, an algae scrubber, and a top for our tank.
Both additions are now acclimating, and looking well.
I am blessed! :happyfish
Awwwwe, that's SO sweet!! That guy's a keeper for sure!! What a guy.
How are your new critters doing?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
im sure if this sort of thing happened to any girl i kno i would be on the phones asap trying to get another fish of that type


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Awwwwe, that's SO sweet!! That guy's a keeper for sure!! What a guy.
How are your new critters doing?
Lisa :happyfish
Everyone is doing well. The larger false perc that we added is getting along swimmingly (pun intended!) with the smaller one, and ate well this morning. The Midas has found a hiding spot, and is slowly expanding his comfort zone. I can't wait until he gets more comfortable and starts "performing" in the front of the tank.