Least aggressive Triggerfish: Niger or Pinktail?


I've heard two opinions coming from this board about this matter. Some of you say that the Niger Trigger is the least Aggressive while others say that it's the pinktail, so I'd like to do a poll to see which of the two thatmore of you think is least aggressive.


I have a niger and he is so shy and he is never aggressive. Just a little territorial.


I have never kept a pinktail , But I can say my niger is a big sissy. He will shoot into the rocks if you walk up to the tank to fast .


Active Member
Originally Posted by MILE_HIGH
I have never kept a pinktail , But I can say my niger is a big sissy. He will shoot into the rocks if you walk up to the tank to fast .
Mine does to lol. He doesn't even bother the snails or crabs.


my niger is a little agressive not that bad , but then again so is my pink tail but towards eachother they are fine but then again they are in my 240


New Member
i have kept both, by far it has to the niger. the pinktail i had had was more aggressive than my clown trigger(fish definitely have individual personalities)
but yeah get the niger, fully grown they look sick
good luck


My niger is aggressive. Not terribly but he does snip at other fish. Also kills snails, or else its the small puffter. But the snails are about 5 times the size of the puffer. He is bold to, mine will never swim away, and gets pissed when I put my whole hand into my tank and sometimes attacks it! He is awesome thought, as he has a nice personality. Funniest thing ever is to see him pick up hermits and throw them around.