To help you a wee bit...the Maroon clown is considered to be one of the most aggresive clownfish. Should never be kept in the same tank with other anemonefishes.s
Least would probably be the Pink Skunk Clownfish with is rarely aggresive towards other clownfishes.
Another of the less agressive is the Ocellaris clown (False Percula), they can be kept in groups. I have read that they aren't supposed to be aggresive to other clowns. This is not my experience. I have an established pair in my 75. Tried to add a pair of Allard's clowns to the tank. The newbies got the cr@p beat out of them until I was able to get them out.
I have three different kinds of clowns - none of them have ever bothered any other species of fish.
[ May 11, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]