Least agressive clownfish?


just wanna know what you guys think is the least agresive clownfish?
im thinking of getting a percula or a maroon and having a hard time trying to decide.
Thanks for the help


To help you a wee bit...the Maroon clown is considered to be one of the most aggresive clownfish. Should never be kept in the same tank with other anemonefishes.s
Least would probably be the Pink Skunk Clownfish with is rarely aggresive towards other clownfishes.
Another of the less agressive is the Ocellaris clown (False Percula), they can be kept in groups. I have read that they aren't supposed to be aggresive to other clowns. This is not my experience. I have an established pair in my 75. Tried to add a pair of Allard's clowns to the tank. The newbies got the cr@p beat out of them until I was able to get them out.
I have three different kinds of clowns - none of them have ever bothered any other species of fish.
[ May 11, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]


Active Member
I have 3 clowns in my tank, a Tomato, Sebea, and a Percula. The least aggressive of the 3 is the Percula


True Percula Black!!!!
Nice and small and I think it's pretty unique comparing to other clown fish. :)


I'm new to these message borads, and as for digging up old posts, I figured that it would be better than just repeating the same question as somebody else... even if it is a little old.
(I've also noticed that threads with more hits get more attention than new threads.)


Active Member

Originally posted by gliderpt
(I've also noticed that threads with more hits get more attention than new threads.)

not neccissarily, just some of them seem to(maybe)
to answer, the percula or even less aggressive yet, the false percula. But definitely not the maroon


How big is your tank? I have a perc and would like to try another clown but had heard not to mix species. I also have a bta that he would probably not give up w/ out a fight. Do you have any anemones as well?


Active Member
That was a long time ago but I remember well.
The tank I was using then was 29 gallons. The Tomatoe clown was first and shortly after came the Sebae. The 2 were about the same size and got along fine with no problems.
Next was the Percula. The Perc was a little smaller then the other 2 but all were doing very well in a 29.
For the next few months the Tomatoe was fastly out growing the other 2 clowns and was slowly becoming more aggressive. It finally got to the point were I decided the Tomatoe had to go.
I now have a 55 with the Seabae and 2 Percs. The Seabae is a little bigger then the Percs and there is the rare spat but only last a few seconds and no harm is ever done.
And no I have no anemones.
It is usualy not recommended to mix clowns and IMO its hit or miss. And even if it works at first there may come a day were fighting begins as I found out with the Tomatoe.