Least light intensive clam


I'm asking this because I've read some conflicting info. I always thought that MH was a must for any of the giant clams. Is there a species that would THRIVE under a heavy load of PCs? I have 430 watts over a 46 bow. Tank depth is 24". I don't have a PAR meter so can't give you that.
I don't want it to just survive (that's cruel). IS it possible to keep one under my lights?


no offence but i hate these questions. its almost like asking "whats the least amount i can feed my dog before it dies."
the fact is that all the clams we keep come from very shallow water and need very intense light. some species seem to be able to handle less light light then others but if you want to be successful give any of the clam species the most intense light you can


New Member
On October 31, 2007, the Hebei Provincial Industrial and Commercial Bank teller many contract workers (both members of the former agent) is a black Wednesday, in a tense afternoon of work, exhausted from work for the
In line when suddenly received calls from the card handed over to the chapter and signed a "decision on the termination of labor contracts," This is really too cruel to us because we had no ideological preparations for a minute before are still working hard for ICBC
After one minute to work on your money to tell you to go home! I think any one person can accept this outcome.
We terminating labor contracts of these contract workers are mostly teller 18, 9, 20 and make access to the ICBC, all in the first line of ICBC assigned them it is so hard we have been working diligently and conscientiously to heat cold
For more than 10 years to his most precious prime of life and to the ICBC can we get? We entered a pain in the middle-aged, the young and old under small for them, they have no legitimate reason, just want to drive in the new "Labor Law" promulgated before we got kicked out of the ICBC. Also minimal living subsidy to kill us, is ask who gave them the right to do whatever they like this, this is the rule of law society, in the central strongly advocated "people-oriented" to build a harmonious society today, they are still ignoring the rights of workers, ignoring the "Labor Law" existence. We truly want to ask the ICBC to sacrifice their lives for more than 10 years of your staff even so无情无义, you can all honesty, treat your customers?
Sigh so ICBC, we love what you?


Active Member
just basing this off of what i have read about my new clam...most places (web sites and Tropical Marine Hobbyist magazine) they say that the T .Derasa is supposed to be one of the hardiest.


Originally Posted by chris&barb
no offence but i hate these questions. its almost like asking "whats the least amount i can feed my dog before it dies."
the fact is that all the clams we keep come from very shallow water and need very intense light. some species seem to be able to handle less light light then others but if you want to be successful give any of the clam species the most intense light you can
Since you hate these questions so much I'll be sure to do like most others and go to the LFS w/out researching first and kill animals. If you notice I asked if the animal would THRIVE under my lighting since I have this adversion to torturing livestock. I ask these questions to 1. save the animal some hardship, 2. save myself time and money, and 3. in the assumption that someone else might need this information as well (but be afraid to ask due to people like you).
Next time you go to flame someone be sure to carefully read the post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scgator
Since you hate these questions so much I'll be sure to do like most others and go to the LFS w/out researching first and kill animals. If you notice I asked if the animal would THRIVE under my lighting since I have this adversion to torturing livestock. I ask these questions to 1. save the animal some hardship, 2. save myself time and money, and 3. in the assumption that someone else might need this information as well (but be afraid to ask due to people like you).
Next time you go to flame someone be sure to carefully read the post.
he wasnt flaming, and this question is asked at least once a week. i have no doubt in my mind that people know the answer, there just hoping somebody will have some story to make them feel better about going through with the purchase.


Active Member
My LFS has two PC's on the same tank and has had a clam under it for as long as I've been there (almost 1 year). Looks good I think but I don't know if they are starving it or not. The guy is just doing research. IMO the worst thread is ... "I just bought a ____ can someone tell me what it needs?" I wouldn't risk it personally and attribut it to the reason more life is found in tropical areas due to sun requirements of some sort. I could go deeper but I think you'll understand my meaning.


Active Member
if you took two clams, same health, same colors, same size and put them in 2 different tanks. one with PC, one with MH, i can guarantee the clam under the MH would look better and you would notice a change between the two. unfortunately, the one under PC would change for the worse.
(and im not talking like overdriven bulbs like GARF does. just average PC lighting over a tank)


Originally Posted by teen
if you took two clams, same health, same colors, same size and put them in 2 different tanks. one with PC, one with MH, i can guarantee the clam under the MH would look better and you would notice a change between the two. unfortunately, the one under PC would change for the worse.
(and im not talking like overdriven bulbs like GARF does. just average PC lighting over a tank)
I think many of you undermine the sheer experimentality(yeah, i made that word up) of this hobby. Asking these kinds of questions is the same as probing for people's experiences. The point of these threads is not ask some people about what THEY think is a set in stone rule. I will agree that regular fluorescents will not cut it. However, I have seen a number of clams thrive in tanks illuminated by PC and VHO lighting.


From what I've heard, under short term conditions, clams can be extremely hardy. I've heard a few stories of clams being left in no water for a 3 day long move, only to have the clam survive. I cannot give you a breakdown by species.


Active Member
lol, so what you saying is we each do the same experiment over and over agian and all get the same results (which would be a bunch of dead clams). the problem i see is that when i say something im not pulling it out of thin air, and neither are the more informed and knowledgeable people on this site. if i dont have an article of some type, people just simply refuse to listen to what the other more experienced, seasoned hobbyiests have to say. all becuase they want to experiment and learn on their own. how about just save the animal, the money, the time, and the heartache and just take somebodys advice for once.
you dont have to listen to me, and im not saying i know evrything, nobody does. a topic like this that comes up very often has a clear cut answer in my book, its just that people dont like the answers they get and decide to "experiment".
and i will agree that clams can thrive under VHO. but we're talking straight up PC's here, arent we.


Active Member
430 watts over a 46 gallon in a lot of light. I would go for it, I know PC isn't the same as MH as far a spectrum and evverything, but I would try it and test your limits, even though some may not agree.
Make sure you place it high in the tank, because 24 inches is deep.


Active Member
i'd say to be certain a clam would survive, mh or a good set of t5 is a must. under pc or vho, there is a 50/50 chance it will surivive and thrive. but the question here is does one want 50/50 chance of survival, or 90-100% survival rate?


Regarding all the arguing over this question... I think it's a good question. That sounds like a ton of wattage to me and I wouldn't know that those lights would be considered insufficient by some. If you don't like a question, don't respond to it.
from what i learned, you gotta give them what they really need, get your self another reef tank with MH, or just sell your pc's and get your self some MH and get all the clams you want, yes you can keep some clams under your lights, but they really wont be happy for long, its tempting to get animals in your tank, but you really should give them what they need, trust me I know this, as i have many clams, and did what your asking, and the truth is they need that intense lighting, they look better, colors will look better, and definitely live, as long as your pars are in check. i lost several clams over this question, it doesn't matter how good you are in this hobby, its about giving the proper environment for the corals and fish to survive without any stress.

this pics shows the cloudy water from using purple up.
1 example i do have is the clams can survive under vho's, pc's, and etc , but they eventually they starve, die, or just be unhappy and have poor health.In my opinion t5 are good to start then mh, but any other light is like playing russian roulette, eventually they die.
but there's nothing worse when a giant clam die's from a horrible accident , look at the pic above, i had to upgrade my lights from 2 250 watts over my 144 half circle to 2 400 watts to make my clams happier , but my dum as* had a pair of plyers on the top of the tank, reached over for my light, and hit the plyers, it fell in the tank, right in the mouth of one of my huge gigas clams, it shut it self, wouldn't open, tryied all kinds of ways for it to open, refused to open, it could get it out it self as it was way to heavy for the clam to spit it out, i tryied to put a rock when it did open up to keep it from shutting, but that didn't work, sad thing is that it died by the next day, one of the worst thing that has happened in this hobby to me, besides having a 280 gallon spilling, i rather go throw that then losing one of my giant clams.
this pic below shows another giant Gigas clam next to a friend of mine, it spits out of the water like a rainstorm came through,lol.
