leater coral


My leather coral wont open...I've had him in the tank for a few days now and he hasnt opened up yet...It started to open up the first day I had him in the tank but he never opened all the way...None of my other coral or fish are having problems...


water parameters are all good...everything is at zero, nitrates are very low...temperature is a degree or two high, but not out of range...lighting is only 10watts PC 50/50 right now but he is very close to the light


do you really mean 10 watts? If so how do you keep photo corals? It may be a flow problem, try moving it, but not to often. Give it time to adjust.


hmmm he was in a pretty flowy spot...what i would consider moderate...but it might have been too much becuase he is kind of small so i moved him out of it a little...we shall se what it does..


I have a large thread in the reef section of the boards asking the same question, if you can find it, theres lots of good info there. For the most part people say its a coral that can take up to 3 weeks to acclimate and will stay closed for random amounts of time for no real reason. Its been 12 days for mine and its just starting to show its polyps but not open yet, so dont worry :happy:


Active Member
Be sure to upgrade those lights as soon as you can. I did not even attempt a leather coral until I had my 130W fixture.

cayman isl


Originally posted by Armlocker
I have a large thread in the reef section of the boards asking the same question, if you can find it, theres lots of good info there. For the most part people say its a coral that can take up to 3 weeks to acclimate and will stay closed for random amounts of time for no real reason. Its been 12 days for mine and its just starting to show its polyps but not open yet, so dont worry :happy:

Armlocker, did your toadstool bust out yet?


Hey Cayman, it's being stupid lol, its day by day. it has never opened more then 50% but some days it doesnt open at all, and it seems every day its leaning in a new direction lol, guess it cant make up its mind. I'll keep you posted.


Its finally open as much as it was at the LFS when i picked it out. Took 15 days. Looks awesome now though, and i just put frogspawn and xenia in last night too. I need a camera.. :)