Leather and Xenia question


I've had the leather and Xenia for about a week now. Today, the leather appears to be lighter in color, but more significantly, has "things" appearing out of its "pores". It also appears to be dead where algae (from the lfs) had previously been attached before my crabs got to it. Suggestions?

Any suggestions/observations about this Xenia? It appears to be closed and lethargic.

Tank Info:
10 gal
40 Watt PC Lighting. "normal" light from 11AM to 11 PM. Then Moonlight from 11PM to 9AM
Nitrates = 5ppm
1 Leather, 1 Xenia, 1 Ric, 2 Hermits, 2 Snails


Active Member
they both look fine to me. the leather does hv some green algae on it. see if u can blow it off. if not, u can try cutting that piece off.


Active Member
how much flow do you have. Looks like your leather is just sheading. they both may need a little more flow on them


Active Member
I agree with teresa, the leather appears to be shedding (I can see the slime wafting away) the things coming out of its "pores" are its polyps beggining to extend.
as for the xenia. xenia is hit or miss for a lot of people and it does not transport well at all. often times after transportation it will look like hell for a week or two before starting to come around.


Thanks for the input, folks. It's a relief to hear that the leather is just "shedding". I just did some research on shedding; very interesting stuff. Btw...for research purposes, can anyone tell what "kind" of leather this is?
There IS a pretty gentle flow in the tank. However, it can easily be increased by an adjustment to the powerhead...I'm half afraid that the Florida Ricordia won't tolerate a greater flow. Am I being to cautious?


Active Member
as for flow I think your being a little over cautious. fl rics can tolerate decent amounts of flow. as long as they arent being blasted directly with laminar flow.