Leather and Xenia


Hi all,
I had a situation with a yellow fiji leather about a week and a half ago, and I have disposed of the leather because it started to decompose/melt away. Now my concern is with my xenia.....They were doing fine prior to my putting in the leather and even for a few days they were pulsing...however around the time the leather started melting away, the xenia closed up and stayed like that for a day or so...which I didnt think anything of, because I did move the rock and sometimes they retract when you move/touch them... Then a day later they went limp and the day after that some melted away and others broke off.....Now, just a hunch but could this have been the result of possible toxin released by the leather. I did do a water change when I removed the leather, but I wonder if the toxin had already been released in the tank and was doing damage to the xenias...any input would be apprecieated....
Lev :notsure:


Make sure your salinity is very stable. Leathers and xenia do not like changes. You may try a iodine additive like Kent Tech. I have so much xenia it is like weeds to me, I do know that they prefer to be in good light with med. flow not direct flow. Make sure nobody is picking on them also.


Thanks for the advice, I will put it in my mental rolodex. Unfortunately both of them are gone...so sad



I can't keep Xenia alive in my tank for some reason. I have figer leather, sun polyps, star polyps, a few Montipora corals, Hydnoprias, zoos, Tridcaca clam as well as fish, crabs and snails. All thriving, but I lost small frag of Xenia and Blue Anthalia for unk. reasons. Any ideas?