leather coral help


Active Member
i've had this leather for about 3 weeks now. the first pic was taken on sunday, when it was at the bottom of the tank. the other 2 were taken this evening, after it had been moved to the top 1/3 of the tank. i can't figure out for the life of me what the blackening is on the branches? :thinking:

please can someone offer some advice. i would hate to lose it.
tank specs:
135 gal
temp 80
sal 1.025
ca 450
alk 9.8
lights: 2x150w 14000k mh, 2x130w dual actinic - came from a tank with dual 175's
quietone 6000 return pump
4 maxijet 900 on wavemaker (2 on, 2 off @ 30 sec intervals)



Active Member
I cant say whats cause that necrosis, but I recomend cutting the infected area / stems from the main coral to try to save it.


leathers go through this grumpyness after they have been movved, give it a week or two, you'll be surprised. it will open up bigger than before. Just be patient


your bulbs may be newer than the others and the leather tips could be burnt. Still leave it alone and it will be fine


Active Member
I disagree, the black is dieing, thats not typical leather shedding/ grumpiness. cut the infected area out or IMO you will loss the whole coral.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
I cant say whats cause that necrosis, but I recomend cutting the infected area / stems from the main coral to try to save it.
I agree...........


Originally Posted by Dogstar
I cant say whats cause that necrosis, but I recomend cutting the infected area / stems from the main coral to try to save it.
I also agree. The black areas are dead or close to it. Do you have any idea what would have caused it? How was the leather acclimated to your tank?


Active Member
ok. i cut off the dead branches. and replaced it back at the bottom of the tank. hopefully it will recover