Leather Coral is it dying


I just got a Leather Coral I can not remember the name It has like hands with fingers on it lol ??? Anyways after getting it home and doing the drip and all i have placed it in my tank and it has yet to come back around Its grey in color and shrivled up
All water test are normal calcium and all are good
Here is my lighting i use 1x 250W DE HQI, 2x 96W Compact Fluorescent, 4x Dual Bluemoon LED


Active Member
it will probably need to adjust to it's new water chemistry. also make sure it has decent flow on it to help "shedding"


Active Member
How long has it been in your tank for? And what type of lighting was it under previously?
If it was just introduced to your tank a day or 2 ago or sooner it is prob still adjusting to its new environment.
If it came from a tank with anything less than MH lighting it could also be acclimating itself to the more intense lighting. Its recomended that you acclimate your new corals to MH if they came from a tank with a lesser light source. The process should take about a week or so gradually increasing the time your lights are on for.