Leather coral


Yesterday I went and got some live rock from someone here on the boards. He also gave me a small leather coral, but I am not sure if its still alive. He had it in a 12G eclipse thank with the stock lighting. here isa pic of it. I put it in the sand in the front of my tank under the lights...any idea if its still alive? If so should it be placed higher in the tank or is it ok where it is? Not a real big coral person thats why I am asking!


I can't really tell. Usually coral turns white when it dies. I would give it a day or two. Take it back to your lfs if its dead. I'm getting that kind of tank. Is it working good?


Originally Posted by bigarn
What kind of lighting do you have? I'd put it up higher in medium flow.

55g 220W PC
I have a torch coral, several red mushrooms and a BTA that are all doing great under the lighting but they are all higher in the tank...I will try and move it to the top of the rock and see if it does anything in a few days...I just got it yesterday so I don't wanna keep moving it


Active Member
That lighting should be fine ..... put it up higher in medium flow and good luck with it.


Originally Posted by bigarn
That lighting should be fine ..... put it up higher in medium flow and good luck with it.

Thanks...fingers crossed :happy: