leather coral


No I haven't..Do you have any other corals like a galaxi? Plate coral..torch....
frog spawn..sometimes the tenticals reach much further then you would think.
At night the galaxia can extend to a foot.
I will watch for your response


When a leather sloughs off its skin, if it lands on another coral, it will damage it. I keep my large toadstool down from my anchor and torch. At least 8-12" away when fully expanded.


Active Member
No I do not have any of the other corals that you have mentioned. I have Xenia, Mushrooms, Open Brain, Closed brain, and a lot of anenmies that came in the live rock.


What do you mean by a lot of anenomes that came with the live rock? How many, and are they aiptasia? If so, these could be the problem.


Active Member
Yes, some leathers are slightly toxic to other corals. Thats why skimmers are very useful. Over time the other corals should develop a tolerance for the mucus.
I just purchased a fuji leather that is only attached to some rubble. Whats the best way to remove the rubble and have im attach to my lr.


C&H, Try to set it on the lr where you want it to be. Put the coral on it's side or at an angle so the coral will let go of the rubble and grab onto the lr. It may take a while for it to let go and then grab on where you want it to, I'm still working with one of my toadstools to get him to let go of a tiny piece of rubble. If you try to pull the rubble off you may hurt the coral, or tear it. This can lead to infection and obviously stress it.


mlm it could be aptasia that is damaging the other corals. They do sting.
Can you post a photo of the coral and the surrounding rocks? If it is aptasia ...you will find alot of information on this sight regarding it.
The most recent was someone had success with removing them by adding a six line wrase into the tank when the many pepermint shrimp failed solve the problem.
I have never had a problem with my leathers and I have had many Large ones in my tank. The slime could be a problem if it is staying on the effected corals( but you didn't mention that)
Hope this helps


Active Member
I never said that I had a problem with the other corals I just said that I read somwhere that they could be toxic to stoney corals. They anenomies that came on the live rock are not apista. They are some kind of rock anenome.


Active Member
I got rid of aptasia in my girlfriends reef using scalding hot water and a syringe.I shot the water in it's mouth and it knocked it right out.


Active Member
Hi, yes all leathers can produce toxins called terpenoids to protect their home in the reef. It usually extends about 8 inches form the the animal but could go throughout the tank. however, like burn said most other corals do adapt to it over time. Shouldn't be much to worry about.