Leather ID Help


ok, that is what i was afraid of. I purchased it remembering that leathers are a fairly easy coral to care for, and my luck, I purchased one of the more difficult ones.
Any tips for keeping it healthy? He is in a medium flow area right now and I dose with phyto and have 130watts of orbit lighting on my tank (29g). I also dose with trace elements and calcium once a week.
His base is intact with no signs of rotting and other than not "blooming" it appears to be in great condition.
Thanks for all your help.
Originally Posted by bustedadam
ok, that is what i was afraid of. I purchased it remembering that leathers are a fairly easy coral to care for, and my luck, I purchased one of the more difficult ones.
Any tips for keeping it healthy? He is in a medium flow area right now and I dose with phyto and have 130watts of orbit lighting on my tank (29g). I also dose with trace elements and calcium once a week.
His base is intact with no signs of rotting and other than not "blooming" it appears to be in great condition.
Thanks for all your help.
They not really difficult....you seem to be doing all the right things.Make sure if your dosing that you are absolutely sure it is needed.Don't OD your tank.Leather benefit from iodine also.
They go through periods of shedding that takes time..I believe it will be alright.If it starts slumping over and looks like its melting than its time to start worrying.
Best of Luck..it looks like a nice and healthy leather to me.