My Sarcophyton Leather, with Polyps the color is changing and the polyps are not blooming.
What can be the problem
pH 1.024
Temp: 79 - 80
Lighting: PC260
Please :help:
Is the color fading?
We also need more info on your params we need all test results, when you did the last water change, how big the last water change was and what kinda test kit do you use.
I do my water change every Sundays about 4 GALs
Amon: 0
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
pH: 8.2
Selinity: 1.024-1.025
lighting: 260 PC lighting
The color is fading and the polyps are not blooming. I had the leather for over a month
Not always newly cycled tanks "sometimes" will have 0 trates I have had my tank going for around a month and half to 2 months with 2 fish and my cleaner package and I still have no trates.