leather owners


Active Member
when my fish swim by , around, or near my leather they contract and get pretty small or their tentacles go in, is this bad for the leather? it will be HUGE one minute then i will see a fish swim throughout it and it will shrivel up real quick?? is this beause it is new or will this happen all the time?
also its a umbrella toadstool and my yellow figi leather??


Active Member
The coral will get used to it over time and stay open unless the fish is actually biteing it.


Active Member
o.k thanks alot..thats what i was hoping,i know some peopel have fish that lay in them etc. so iw as wondering if it would get used ot it. ALSO right now i have it under power compacts and it looked great yesterday and for the better part of today now its shrivled up, but when my MH lights get here should i keep it away from them or put it under them??


Active Member
Thats normal for leathers to shrivel up, sometimes for days, weeks as they get used to your system. Most all are really hardy though. Best to not keep moveing any corals around too much. Best to just start running the MHs a little while at first and increase the on time a liitle every few days untill you reach the schedual you want.


Active Member
hey dog,
first off thansk for all the help, second whats the stuff oozing out of my leather?? it looks like smoke in the water, it also looks liek the stuff my lionfish gets off of him, liek a clear mucus??
im really nervous boutt his leather since it was HUGE and doing great yesterday and today its been in and out the whole day, what can id o to help it? besides giving it trace elements?


My laether opens and closes all day long. Guess it goes by what touches it. I currenly have an Emerald crab make it it's home when he's not eating. he climbs up onto the op and the leather closes around him. I guess he makes a nice covered NEST for him. It annoys me a bit because I like he look of the coral but what can I do. Mabe move the crab. He'll thnk it's a new tank. lol


my pagoda coral does the same thing its the most sensitive coral i have my tang swims by and half of it goes in and then comes back out later its weird.