Leather toad stool


Beautiful Toadstools everyone!
As far as fraggin them, I need to find out as well as I have 3 little ones at the base of mine. I've had this one for over 2 years now and my 2 percs call it home.


Active Member
Sweet -- dig the clown, man!! :happyfish
I think to frag them, you pretty much cut them up. :notsure: I'll try to find the link. . .


Yeah I have read that you just cut them off and some how attach them to some rubble. I'm thinking I'll let them grow out a little more and then try my hand with one, just incase I mess up...God forbid. I've heard of using toothpicks, nets, rubberbands. It's all a mystery to me. Oh, thanks for the compliments.


Active Member
I don't think I can post the link to the "Geothermal Auqaculture Research Foundation" (dot org) here. But if one were to find them on the web, they could look at their propagation section for "Sarcophyton" and get the low down.
The jist is to cut off the top and then slice it into pie shapes trying to have a piece of the top and piece of the stem on each section. Then rubber band it to a piece of rubble, etc.


Active Member
I personally have 2 large leathers in my 125 reef....they do tend to shed about once a month, and at the same time for that matter. Its a normal natural thing, they're removing growth that might be attaching to its skin, as for why they might not be opening?...to much light (to close to mh's) maybe to much direct water flow....all are things that could be a variable in your tank....and sometimes when they get burned...there skin will look kinda dry....thats when you need to cut the light for a few days
keep up the good work guys i love all the pix!


Active Member
very easy to frag IMO i have about 8 toadstools now through out our tanks and all of them came from this mother taodstool. she is about 8 inches across and loves to let me chop her up lol. well i dont know if she loves it but she atleast does not seem to mind


Active Member
I have cup coral and my coral beauty picks at the polyps. Now, I have had an anemone with no problems before, but will my coral beauty pick at my toadstool if i get one?


Originally Posted by colorteck
How do you frag these things? I would like to get more started on the other end of the tank.
Just cut them. Use the search button oceana has a detailed how to on it.


Why are some polyps very short and stiff looking... and others are long a wavy???
Mine looked long and wavy in the store... when i brouht it home and after it shed the polyps are short and stiff looking??