Leather Toadstool


Wondering if I should start worrying. Have a leather toadstool that hasn't opened up in about 8 days now. He sits in bottom of tank with med to high flow. Two other toadstools in tank open/close everyday in medium to slower flow areas. He's still firm and not slumped over but appears to be shrinking. Tried adding iodine...all other softies in tank appreciated it but didn't affect him in the least. No other corals near him. Don't see any waxy growth or any mucus. Moving him will be tough as he is attached to the bottom rock that holds everything else up. Would have to snap him off and probably frag him in process.
SG 1.025
pH 8.2-8.4
NH3 0
NH4 0
NO4 0
PO4 0
Temp 77
CA 380
Alk 8


New Member
i would just leave him for about 2 weeks or so after this started and see if he opens back up the same thing happened to my toadstool and now he is back better than ever don't make any changes he should be fine from the way your explaining the situation here's a pic of mine now he scared the crap out of me too