Leathers need light?


I just got some new leathers today. I recieved a Toadstool, a Fiji Yellow, Califlower Colt, and what seems to be a Kenya Tree. I just acclimated them and I was just wondering how long I should wait for the lights to go on, and should I just do Actinics tonight or just my moonlights. How long does it usually take for them become fully acclimated and look as they normally should? I was pleasentlly suprised I opened the box and they were all about 5 inches. Thanks for you help.


Need some help on this one I dont want to rush into anything or dont want to deprive them of any lights they should be getting.


So what you saying is now I can go turn on my light all togethe and let them go? Is that going to shock them at all?


Active Member
Unless I know the corals came from a tank with far less lighting than mine I just put them in and let the regular lighting schedule run its course.


Active Member
Leathers are the most adaptable coral out there. Just be sure to not have them too close to one another...chemical warfare. Watch where you place them also that they don't bother each other in the current flow also. The colt and the kenya tree are the least as far as warfare. So place the toadstool and the yellow on opposite sides of the tank.


Active Member
Forgot to mention, of all of your corals the figi yellow leather is the most light demanding for optimum growth. So, place higher up.