Led build help. Calling all led experts.



Put this over the tank for a test run. WOW, I'm impressed. My rainbow monti that has looked brown since I brought it home really came to life with these on. I've never seen my zoas glow like that either. Only thing I need to do is some more blues. I'm having to turn the whites down quite a bit because they over power, and I'm running 2-1. So I ordered 6 more rb's and 2 nw Crees and 2 cw Crees. I'm going to swap out some of my existing whites for the Crees hoping for a better white color. With just the whites on, it looks very similar to my 400w 10000k mh. Pretty much looks like someone peed in my water. I like a more crisp white look. Once I add those, I think I'll be thrilled.
Mike Hayes


Active Member
So you where running a combo of 2 whites to 1 blue...... Remember to dial them way back and will take a bit longer than normal to acclimate your corals.....


Lol, no sir. 2 blues to 1 white. And it's still too white.
Mike Hayes