LED lighting be an advance?


Active Member
i think LED's are an advance because the bulbs last so much longer so we wont have to replace them as much, also the new systems that have the cloud covering stuff and full moon and all this other stuff it will help make it seem more like a real day in the ocean i think
What about you guys what do you think?


Active Member
There are some new systems that were released in the last month or so that should be priced less than the current mega $$ systems. It's definitely the way to go because the Lux values are better and they rival the MH systems. The really good thing about LED systems is the heat issue that is a big problem with MH's.
Just my $0.02 worth.


Active Member
can u tell me the brands of these?
i couldnt find any, and i have 5 min till i have to go to school 2 hour late start today =) so ya, i will check back when i get back to see if you or anyone else has posted


Active Member
I think once they work out the glitches and more companies produce them they will be a good advance but for now the Idea is great but prone to problems as the technology is still very new.


Active Member
As an electronics hobbyist as well as aquariums, I've been watching LED prices over the years... right now, they are TUMBLING while at the same time the technology is getting dramatically better.
We're not going to see any advances that are being driven by the aquarium industry... there is not much of a demand to make the actual LED manufacturers do anything differently.
Instead, look at the market for standard lighting (rooms and such). It's the price and performance of LEDs that will drive the aquarium industry, but those prices will come from the standard lighting industry. What you'll notice over the next few years is that the sc_rew in CFLs are merely a transitional technology... between the now obsolete and to-mature true leaps forward in technology - incandescent and LED . Just a few years ago you could not get LEDs 1/5 as powerful as you can now, and even those were many times the cost. White LEDS were not even around.
Moore's law will apply to some extent to LEDs. In two years, LEDs will be twice as bright and half the price... then in 4... 6...
So IMO, LED will definitely be the next big thing, wiht the technology moving forward as green alternatives to incandescent and CFL. It will kill T5s before the technology even matures due to it's return on investment in energy savings. Halide will be the competing technology, becuase of the shimmer effect and punchthrough intensity. I estimate 3-5 years.


Whats the going opinion now with regard to LED and SPS requirements. I was looking into LED last year but did not get good reports to SPS support. Just not there yet was the general opinion. Anyone know of new or more updated information.


Active Member
Here is a good response to that question from one of our reef club members
Tullio stated clearly in his presentation, that he would not recommend a change from halide DE technology for aquarists right now (he rates halide DE's as the best halide product). As previously stated elsewhere in the thread, the price does not warrant the "experiment" right now. Tullio recommended that reefers stay with halides as primary lighting but consider replacing supplemental lights with LED's (as those fixtures become available). When LED technology has proven itself in the areas of workmanship, lighting intensity and quality, it will probably become worth the switch. Of course, the price point needs to come down as well.


Active Member
I haven't checked the specs recently, but last time I looked the best LED's were comparable to 250wt 20,000k HQI's.
That's awfully blue. When they get to 10,000k then we're talking.


i recently went to florida and when i was down there i finally saw 1 in person ok maybe i saw about 100 of them in person ... there was an awesome store called the coral corral and they have them over every tank in the store even the 600gallon tubs that the have... the looked great i didnt understand what the green bulbs were for but they were damn bright and ran cooller then even t5s in my opinion... they had all the models there was the one the replicated 2 250 metal halides and the ones the replicate 2 400 metal halide.... well they were selling them for 3800 and i was like so tempted...... but i was talking to one of the workers and he flat out told me that these things were garbage.... not that they didn't work but seriously a pain in the ass...... he said every morning they come in and at least 2or 3 are not working.... he told me its the ciruit boards they rust so fast and burn up that basically they are far from ready to be bought..... he says thats how they start there day everyday changing circuit boards... i damn well i dont wanna be doing that..... but anyway on a good note when they are actually are on they are absolutly sexy.... my 2 pennies


I agree that LED lighting will be a thing of the future but it's too early right now. I've heard stories from LFS saying that these lights are great when they work. The problem is that they have all this extra stuff built into them like the cloudy day and stormy day lighting that adds a ton of extra money into the pricing of the fixtures. In a couple of years when they just make a basic LED lighting system and get rid of all that extra stuff the price will drop and as mentioned the LED lights will be even brighter.
I for one can't wait till that time in the industry. I have been tempted to purchase a LED fixture but can never rationalize the cost.


Active Member
Originally Posted by phtby
i recently went to florida and when i was down there i finally saw 1 in person ok maybe i saw about 100 of them in person ... there was an awesome store called the coral corral and they have them over every tank in the store even the 600gallon tubs that the have... the looked great i didnt understand what the green bulbs were for but they were damn bright and ran cooller then even t5s in my opinion... they had all the models there was the one the replicated 2 250 metal halides and the ones the replicate 2 400 metal halide.... well they were selling them for 3800 and i was like so tempted...... but i was talking to one of the workers and he flat out told me that these things were garbage.... not that they didn't work but seriously a pain in the ass...... he said every morning they come in and at least 2or 3 are not working.... he told me its the ciruit boards they rust so fast and burn up that basically they are far from ready to be bought..... he says thats how they start there day everyday changing circuit boards... i damn well i dont wanna be doing that..... but anyway on a good note when they are actually are on they are absolutly sexy.... my 2 pennies
At least he was honest!


Coffee is good. I have some awsome $50 led moonlights that have the same shimmer affect as metal halides except at night (the brand is called "blue moon glow" I think). So I would asume that they can soon make Leds just as good as Metal Halides soon.


if they tweak them to no problems with the board... i will buy one instantly .. not only do the look sexy but the coral rendition and polyp extension was incredible... like anything it takes time to perfect....


Active Member
As a tech nerd, I think it is cool that alot of these lighting systems come with a computer interface!


its deffinately awesome but its like straping a laptop 18 inches above saltwater what do you think will happen........ lol...