LED lighting


Well-Known Member
I haven't yet but many people have. I'll be starting the process of building an LED fixture for my aquarium soon.
What size tank do you have and what kind of inhabitants or you wanting to keep?
Reef tanks require a stronger LED than the typical 1 watt LED's that are normally used for supplimental lighting and moonlights.
I have a 125gal reef tank mostly softies, live rock and sand. I have T5 lights on it right now, but the fixture is onlt 4' long and my tank is 6' so I want to upgrade but I think the metal halides maybe to hot, I dont even have to run my heaters in the winter now and still keep the temp between 74 and 76 my house is very well insulated and stays warm in the winter, so i'm worried that the tank temp will be hard to keep down with the Halides.
I've thought about keeping the T5 lights on the tank and maybe put the LEDs on each side of it, but then do I have to stay with only softies?


Active Member
Plenty of people are using LEDs on their reefs and with great success. Search around online/forums and you'll find a lot of information about them.
I have found 4 LED light fixtures 2 are all white 12-1/4" x 12-1/4" x 1-1/4" 225 LED lights 110 volt 2501WH 7000K each and 2 are same size but 112 Blue LEd lights and 113 White LED lights 450 NM 7000K each.
I also have the LED moon light strip for at night
I have a 125gal 6' x 18" x 24"
are these fixtures ok to keep what ever or will I be limited?


New Member
Led aquarium lights are very good,The led aquarium light can help coral and
Grasses grow,it also can makes your aquarium looks beautiful.
Cidly’s grow light are very good and cheap.