This is going to sound crazy but year before last I went into Target (kinda like WalMart) after Christmas and bought some LED Christmas lights thinking I would make my own moon lights. Now these things plugged into a standard household current so I went home cut all the LED's apart leaving about 2" of wire on each leg. Naturally being the dummy I am I plugged one of these into my handy house current and POW!! it blew. After talking to some of my electronic buddies they told me that all LED's are DC current, not AC like the house current. They told me to go get a DC converter (like you charge a cell phone etc.) and that should light up the LED's. worked like a champ!!! I went to Radio Shack and got a AC to DC converter around 20 dollars, it has several settings for volts ( I think 3 up to 18 ) and I have hooked up 8 LED's on the 3 volt setting. Just something to think about.