
I have a 40 FOWLR up now, and I want the Moon light look and it has it, why is it overkill? Thank you for responding


Active Member
I'm referring to the cost of an LED setup or even a DIY setup cost wise doesn't seem justifiable for a FOWLR setup. Moon light look?


Active Member
I don't think they're that overkill. $125 for a 36"-48" fixture is downright cheap, and that fixture uses 1w LEDs instead of the 3w everyone uses for DIY/the highend fixtures use, so it's not that bright of fixture. Comparable to unreflected T5s IMO.
If you want that fixture for the moonlight, you will be disappointed. The light only has a switch that either runs the blue leds, the white LEDs, or both. There is not a separate plug so you can run them on separate timers. You would have to manually turn the switch to blue LEDS, then back to both during the day.
The second issue is color. Those fixtures use bright 1w LEDs for the white light, Which IIRC is around 8800k. The blues are standard Radioshack LEDs, so they can't provide the same 'blue' you're used to with actinic bulbs in other fixtures. From what I've seen, they give the tank a slightly freshwater appearance.


Well-Known Member
I created my own lunar effect on my FW system...I simply used 2 cheap clip on light fixtures with blue florescent energy saver bulbs that I mounting being my tank pointing down into the tank. They don't create the shimmering effect in the water like the LED's do though. However I do blame the lighting for causing my Cichlids to breed like rabbits.


Active Member
Sorry maybe I should have been more specific in what I said. Not the cost of LEDs, but if your only interested in the moonlight look not worth it in that sense. With that said T5's with good reflectors and LEDs for moonlights would be cheaper. Not as though it's a reef, LR doesn't need tons if light just more appealing to the human eye.


Well I want the lighting too, sorry if I made it sound like I just want the moonlight :) I like the moonlight look at night so instead of buying some Moonlight thing and a light thing where I might have to take one off to put the other one on, I was hoping to get 1 piece with everything.


Active Member
it'd be fine for a fowlr. this fixture is for daylight too if thats ur question. its got 16 led lights. but if u r planning for corals in the future, forget about this fixture.


Active Member
depends on what corals r u trying to keep. for lesser light demanding corals, power compact or t5 would do. for the more light demanding corals, t5 with reflectors, metal halide or the right led setup is needed.


Lesser lighting. I am more curious about corals than I am going to buy but would like to have the knowledge :)


Active Member
Links to other retail sites are against forum rules.
It seems though that a number of people have already seen the link and know what the lighting system is that you are talking about, so they can continue discussion on it.
If you want to invite discussion from new members, perhaps instead you can describe the lighting system by pasting specs, etc so that everyone knows what you are talking about without actually having to link to it. Alternatively, posting manufacturer and model numbers will allow people to find the system without a link.


New Member
Led aquarium lights are very good,The led aquarium light can help coral and
Grasses grow,it also can makes your aquarium looks beautiful.
Cidly’s grow light are very good and cheap.