LED's vs. Halides


New Member
I'm looking for some info. I have had a 200 gal reef for over 5 years and my lighting system finally needs a replacement. I haven't kept up with new products for quite awhile. I like the idea of eliminating my chiller and lowering my electric bill, so are the LED's gonna keep my reef happy???


I have went complete LED on all tanks and gave had excellent results. If you buy a pre made fixture, a lot is going to depend on the old saying, "You get what you pay for."
My SPS grows very well under the LEDs in my 180. They were under 250 watt 10K XM halides being pushed by Ice Cap Ballasts previously. XM is one of your better PAR bulbs and is known fir good growth and I'm getting the same rate switching to LEDs without the gross yellow ting of the dreaded 10K bulb.
I like that (if you have a dimmer) you can change the color range to your liking without sacrificing your PAR. My local reef club has a PAR meter that they lend out and we found that regardless of whether the whites were ran at 50%,75%, or 100%, the PAR didn't change. So now my tank has the look of a 14K with the growth of 10K.
You still get the shimmer, if not more so than you do with halides. No heat! I actually have the opposite issue now, I have trouble keeping the tank warm enough, but adding a heater is a lot cheaper than running an extra AC just for the fish room and a chiller.
I'm able to keep my macros alive in my seahorse tank as well as not having to run a chiller for them.
Since switching our 180 to LED, we saw a $75 initial drop in the electric bill monthly. I then added other tanks, so I can't give any more accurate info than that.
I was very skeptical of LEDs as some were complaining of color loss, especially on their SPS, but I haven't seen this. In fact, more colors pop now.
The next issue of Coral Magazine (Sept/Oct) is devoted to LEDs and other new light technology, if you can hold out until that issue comes out, it might really be to your benefit.
I have LEDs on all my tanks. I have mostly SPS corals and they look great under LEDs. They have grown about 5-6 inches in one year.
That's good enough for me. My clams also are doing great under them. They are placed from the top fo the tank to the middle of the tank.
I got ecoxotic panoramma fixtures


Well-Known Member
Wow, you guys got me really thinking about this LED tech now. I might just have to save up for a little fixture for my 20g. lol!


Technically someone else made it, but we literally had to re-do just about everything. Right now we are working on a better one for the seahorse tank, I don't like the coloring produced by the one we have.


HMMMM....I'd love to look into one for the 225G.....the MH bulbs and 8 T5's cost a freaking fortune