Left Behind book series


Written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins
Anyone read this before? I read them when they first came out, and am now re-reading. Just started book ten, "The Remnant". Very addictive stuff, thats why I haven't been on recently....Im a book worm!


i remember reading em about 7 years ago i read all the teenager versions while my mom read the adult versions i think i got through the 5th book then trailed off...actually i think harry potter took over....lol....


hey how funny! i read them when they first came out. and i'm re-reading them again too. i'm on the last book. i enjoyed them.

tank a holic

Active Member
what are they about??
I need a good book to read, harry potter's over, waitin on the next eragon book, and james patterson's alex cross series is on hold
i'm open to suggestions

btw welcome back


Active Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic
what are they about??
they are a fictionalized (ie, set in modern day with characters made up by the authors) version of the book of Revelations from the Bible.
this woman I worked with 8-9 years ago had the first 5 or 6 on tape and I listened to them. they were pretty interesting I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic
what are they about??
I need a good book to read, harry potter's over, waitin on the next eragon book, and james patterson's alex cross series is on hold
i'm open to suggestions

btw welcome back
The "end times".
I was VERY disappointed in the books. I read about half of the first one, and couldn't get passed how poorly they were written. I would start a rant about the quality of "Christian" products. But I read about 2 chapters of the twilight series and thought the same thing.


Im waiting on the fourth Eragon book too!
The Left Behind series is about when Jesus comes back to Rapture his church, and what happens in the seven years between that and the Glorious Appearing. Im not a religious person, but these books are easy to understand and very fun to read

tank a holic

Active Member
i might have to check it out...
i'm with stdreb though, if a book doesn't catch me in the first 2 or 3 chapters i'll set it down for good
i'll just
down to the library and see what they have