Leftover food on bottom


okay, I feed maybe once a day now my two clowns, 2 damsels and 2 chromis.

I have those disc flakes till I run out. They eat, but half of them sit on floor bottom. 3 Crabs poke at them some, peppermint shrimp don't bother(I assume they will die soon, yet to see them come out from hiding even at night/overnight).

So food is on floor rotting.
I did order a CUC of about 20 snails and such. Will they eat it?

Or do I need to vacuum every few days now?

I only add a very small pinch, maybe 20 total crisp once a day. Fish eat, then waste.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you'll have much luck with snails on that front. Once the food breaks down and you start getting film algae then they'll be more helpful.

Best bet is to switch to frozen foods as soon as you can.


Well-Known Member
That is a flake. Brine isn't very nutritious. Something like emerald entre which ***** carries is a good choice for tangs.


Well-Known Member
Marine cuisine is also a good all around food that everyone can eat. I try to give my fish a little variety every day. Rods food is awesome. My local place finally started carrying it again so I've been buying that lately.

Peppermint shrimp will surprise you. I had one that went unseen for about 6 months one time. Forgot all about it and thought it had long been dead turn up out of the blue one night. Much to my surprise had grown and looked good.


Got frozen and small pellet food.
Honestly, the fish all run for it, and spit most of it out. Tad concerned.

Food still all over bottom. Do I need to clean the tank. Hate to mess up the sand right now. Do I just syhon like I did with my fresh water tank?

Do I need to worry?


2 peppermint shrimp

3 blue legged hermits.

1 purple urchin

One huge California purple urchin (likely get rid of).

18 Dwarf Ceriths -

7 Nassarius -

11 Florida Ceriths -

8 Nerites -