Lego Community


I'm going to have a reef eventually, but for now, because of my finantial situation, I am going community, and i had a good idea... Because I won't need the LR for a couple of months, for now to give my fish a place to hide I could make stuff outta legos and put it in my tank!
What do you guys think about this? good idea or bad?


I think if your financial situation is that bad, you should wait and save it up first. looking at your other post. if you are in that situation.. maybe you should make it known you are setting aside YOUR money.. just a little each week, then when you have enouhg for your next purchase you can go ahead, or let it go longer till you can get a little more... also look online, some stuff can be much cheaper.


I dont see any harm in plastic legos, might even look kinda cute if you do it right! Why not? LFS sell plastic ornamental things for all tanks. The only problem I think you might have is algea growing on them and in time they wont be as bright and pretty. How about the weight are they heavy enough to stay put?


I'd think that they would stay put. I can make them pretty thick, and also they will be sitting in live sand, so i can push them down a bit and that would work maybe.
Also, my wife came around!


If i were you i'd skip the lego and by some dry base rock. you can get this at $1 ~ $2 a #. fill the tank with this and then buy 2 or 3 pieces of quality live rock. in about 6 months + the dry rock will start to come to life. That's wat I did.


Active Member

Originally posted by latino277
If i were you i'd skip the lego and by some dry base rock. you can get this at $1 ~ $2 a #. fill the tank with this and then buy 2 or 3 pieces of quality live rock. in about 6 months + the dry rock will start to come to life. That's wat I did.



Active Member
do a search for Tuffa (it might only be one F) rock . . . . there was a member here that had some extra a little while ago.


ummm, legos are hollow....hollow. you would have to put each piece in one by one and tip it so the air bubbles came out...
i would imagin that a task i would like to see in pictures..:joy:


the reason i had the idea is that I cleaned out my old room back in my moms house so i could store my drum set and my pa system, and i found a huge box of legos! Totally sweet huh?
I figure when my setup gets old enough to put rock in, i can do it then.
I just wish i had like a 2 gal tank to do it in and some freshwater fish, because this is more like a whim than an actual plan.



Originally posted by Magic_Carp
you can buy a 10 gallon tank for $8, and make a canopy our of cardboard=$2, and buy a school of guppies =.25 each.
Well i made rock work out of legos, it has arches and everything, its also sD :cool:

take a pic of your rock work legos i mean... i've been building for a few hours now, but im not sure i like it
I need to buy a new set of the classic legos


i thought that was a pic of your legos...
I was like wow, legos are a really good idea, that tank looks awesome...
why do you play games carp WHY!!!!!!


I would think that you would need to take some sand paper to the sides of the legos to allow algae and other orginisms to attach themsleves to the legos. The smooth sides could pose a problem if you don't. Also make sure you don't use any of the really tiny pieces they might come off when your fish nibble at them. If that happens your fish might have some trouble passing them. And if I were you I would also put a little silicon on each piece that you attach so they don't come apart so easily.


I didn't want to have a reef lego tank, haha, i was just thinking for a couple of months to give the fish in my FOLRLS tank some hiding places