lemmon peel angel eating brain maze coral???help


I just got a brain maze coral and it looks like my lemmon peel angel is picking at it...does this seem to be the case....also i just got two new snails and mr puffer attacks them are they not compatiable
Location: carbondale il
Posts: 8
blue linckia w/ porcupine puffer?
Hi i have a 55 gal tank
2 whisper filter
2 power heads
underground filter
100 lbs of lr
1 mushroom
1 anonmee
1 porcupine puffer !
1 yellow dam
1 manderine golby
1 lemmon peel tang
1 clown
1 brain coral
aq set up for six months..perfect levels, constant levels


so if i leave these two together will there be a problem angel and coral? so what kind of cleanup crew can i get with a procupine puffer in there...(cant get rid of him he's my fav)...so is my lemmon peel gonna destroy my angel. oh yea does anyone know much about blue starfish. i got him about a week ago he appears alive ..under a rock...will he or she..lol start comming out more or do they just not do anything.....


was hoping someone could help me out with this..should i get rid of the lemmon peel or will it not hurt it.