lemon peel


I must be talking about a different fish. This fish came from ***** for $5. It is not an angel, it looks more like a Damsel, the store had it labeled as a lemonpeel. It is all yellow.


It is probably a Yellow Damsel. I have one also. This site doesn't list them but the "Drs" site does.
Copied from the "other" site:
The Yellow Damselfish, also known as the Golden Damselfish, has lemon yellow coloring highlighted by upper and lower racing stripes, sometimes of neon blue. As it matures, the colors will fade and it will become more aggressive.
A 30 gallon or larger aquarium with adequate hiding places provides a good environment for this fish. It will not disrupt a reef tank or demolish invertebrates. The Yellow Damselfish is a hardy fish that can handle a wide range of tank conditions, as well as tank cycling.
The diet should consist of a variety of meaty foods, herbivore preparations, and flaked foods.


I don't think that is it. Mine is 100% yellow. That fish looks more rounded, mine is longer and not as high if that makes sense. Mine is shaped more like a small egg, that one looks more like a golf ball. Sorry for the lack of information. I will try to get a picture.

barry cuda

Is this what you have?
You can easily resize an image by opening it in Paint, then selecting Image -> Stretch/Skew. Then you can just put in percentages for length and width.


that is a yellow damnsel I had one and he was MEAN!
If i were you id try to take him back unless you want him trying to
beat up on any fish you try to put in the tank JMO