Lemonpeel angel - reef safe



We all know that angels arent reef safe so why does SWF.com sell the Lemonpeel as a reef safe fish?:notsure:

nm reef

Active Member
My understanding is that all of the "dwarf" angels are considered reef safe...to a certain degree. The same as the flame and coral beauty...they can indeed be kept in mature well established systems but some have been known to nip corals and should be carefully watched. The lemonpeel is not as popular as some of the others but by most is considered reef safe.:thinking:


I guess this is one of those debates where 50% of the poeple say they are reef safe and the other 50% say no they arent. :D
Does anyone have a lemon peel in their reef tank??
I like the bright yellow but hate to find my corals munched.


New Member
i had a lemon peel in a 125 reef he did fine for about 2 weeks till the dam thing started eating my corals. really sucks cuz it was my wifes favorite fish and now she is mad at me since i took it back.:mad:


I had a pygmy angel in my 29g reef tank and it started nipping at a certain bright blue mushroom so much so that the mushroom started shrinking. I had to get rid of the fish. I now have a 75g reef and have a large coral beauty in it and it has not been nipping at any zoe's or mushrooms. It grazes off of the glass, sand and rock all day long. It has been in the tank for several months. I beleive it is a hit and miss with the small angels.


I've had very good luck with coral beauties. I have hard of flames picking at meaty corals like brains.


Most of the dwarfs are considered reef safe, but they still might nip. Coral beauties are probably the best. Lamark Angels and any of the swallowtail angels are reef safe as well. I have not heard any bad things about them nipping at corals.