Because it falls under the Angelfish category, you should all ready know that it will be somewhat difficult to keep. These fish need excellent water conditions and need to be fed a variety of foods. The hardest part of keeping the Lemonpeel is getting it to eat. The one I had would only pick the algae off the rocks so he lived for about a month before he died. As far as your tankmates, it shouldn't be a problem. I had 2 damsels in with a coral beauty and at first they challenged the fish but now the cb ranks higher than them in the tank hierachy. The Lemonpeel is one of the more finicky (spelling?) species but as long as you have a well established tank (live rock preferable) and you find a good-looking healthy specimen that you're sure is eating, you'll have a pretty good shot at keeping this beautiful addition to your aquarium. Good Luck!