Lemonpeel Angel?


I have a blue damsel and purple dottyback in my 55 gallon tank. I was planning on adding a lemonpeel angel and a couple of cleaner shrimp. Please let me know if the lemonpeel is hardy enough to survive in a FO tand and would be a good fit with the other fish. I have been getting mixed messages from the websited I have been reading.


Because it falls under the Angelfish category, you should all ready know that it will be somewhat difficult to keep. These fish need excellent water conditions and need to be fed a variety of foods. The hardest part of keeping the Lemonpeel is getting it to eat. The one I had would only pick the algae off the rocks so he lived for about a month before he died. As far as your tankmates, it shouldn't be a problem. I had 2 damsels in with a coral beauty and at first they challenged the fish but now the cb ranks higher than them in the tank hierachy. The Lemonpeel is one of the more finicky (spelling?) species but as long as you have a well established tank (live rock preferable) and you find a good-looking healthy specimen that you're sure is eating, you'll have a pretty good shot at keeping this beautiful addition to your aquarium. Good Luck!


New Member
I have had a Lemon Peel for almost a year now and he has done fine since I put him in the tank. I have him with a Koran (which people say you should not mix Angels together) and a Maroon clown. Have never had problems with them. I feed him frozen brine, formula 1, and formula 2. He has been very healthy. You should be fine, just make sure when you get the Lemon Peel you aclimate it to your tank slowly to prevent stress.

here fishy

If you can find sea grapes which they sell here in bunches I would try that as a food source every other week...My tangs and my former Lemon peel devour the stuff. I had the lemon for almost three years and his death was parasite related...I personally liked them the best but as stated Angels are very finicky fish to keep


I had a lemonpeel with a velvet damsel and had to get rid of the damsel. (Yeah!) The damsel was pretty rough on the lemonpeel. I usually rotate between formula1 and formula2, and mix in some seaweed select once in awhile. I was lucky and got one that started eating well right away. It seems to have developed an appitite for the flakes i feed my clown. As was mentioned before, the biggest battle is getting them to eat, but I also believe you need a good hiding place for it to reduce stress.

here fishy

good point about the damsel's. Your blue should not be as bad as a velvet, but keep an eye on them..M two ex domino's killed my small harlequin tusk and goatfish. THis is true especially since they were there first. Heck, they attacked my arm whenever Iput it in the tank!
Happy holidays :cool: