Lemonpeel Angel


New Member
I have a 30 gallon tank and I have corals (torch coral, open brain, peach tree, zoo's, button polyps, toadstool, and mushrooms) and reef-safe fish (McCosker wrasse, perc clown, strawberry dottyback, and a clown goby). I wanted 1 more fish and we will be done. I really love the Lemonpeel but it says they can pick on LPS corals.
If I feed it algae strips will it be ok? Has anyone had any luck?


Active Member
SWF- The Lemonpeel Angel should be kept in a tank of 50 gallons or larger, so it'll have ample room to roam.
this is pretty much the same for all dwarf angels.


Active Member
The lemonpeel is among the least of the reef-compatable centropyges. I wouldn't do it. It's also a fairly large dwarf angel and would be cramped in a 30.


I had a coral beauty for a few days and it was absolutely beautiful. Really deep purple/blue with a bright orange belly. I've heard they're one of the most reef safe, but I think it always depends on the individual fish. Flame angels are gorgeous too... and very bright. Don't know if I'd recommend either for a 30gal though. My CB definitely covered the whole 55 gallons that were available to him.


New Member
Could you recommend anything else..something with a little bit more size and color that is reef safe?(doesn't have to be angel or tang)


Look into one of the more colorful wrasses that don't get too large. Like the Fairy Wrasses.


Go with a cherub angel (3"max) or a white tail pygmy angel (3")
beautiful colors and great personality fish


they have the yellow pygmy angelfish on this site its pretty much a lemon peel but with out the blue rings around the eyes and they say 30g is a min.


Originally Posted by GobyGirl1114
I have a 30 gallon tank and I have corals (torch coral, open brain, peach tree, zoo's, button polyps, toadstool, and mushrooms) and reef-safe fish (McCosker wrasse, perc clown, strawberry dottyback, and a clown goby). I wanted 1 more fish and we will be done. I really love the Lemonpeel but it says they can pick on LPS corals.
If I feed it algae strips will it be ok? Has anyone had any luck?
I have a lemonpeel angel and he or she will go after your open brain, but mines do not mess with anything else, just my open brain coral. Good luck its a hit or miss with any angel.