Leopard shark


New Member
I'm getting a leopard shark for my tank, i need info... what is the necessary ph, sg and temperature of the water should be... thank you


welcome to the board,
on the other hand before this post gets :mad: when you say like 100 gallon tank, a leopord can grow up to 7 feet, commonly there found around 6 feet though, they grow very fast and eat alot, so id say if you have your 5 to 50,000 gallon tank already cycled and ready for the shark, make sure you have a nice sandy bottom for him, not too much liverock but some caves for him to hide in and alot of money to feed him.
Hope i helped:notsure:



Originally posted by oliverlion
I'm getting a leopard shark for my tank, i need info... what is the necessary ph, sg and temperature of the water should be... thank you

If you have to ask this question then you probably should not get one in the first place because obviously you are not willing to research it enough to realize that you will not be able to house one properly and will die a slow agonizing death when he has grown to almost twice the size of his 4 foot long home that you thought would be pretty cool to have a leopard shark in......Just my $0.10 P.S....Sg of 1.01,PH of 6.5 and temp of 100 plus. Why make him suffer.......Kill him quick! OH.... And welcome:)


thats not kewl to give him bad info on the specs.
but on the other hand your right
the reason i have a salt water tank is for sharks, but i dont have a shark tank yet. i got good with my reef tank first. so i knew how take care of a salt water setup. maby the lfs told him some bad info. i killed 2 banded cat sharks befor i realized the lfs were out of their minds and stopped going there. they need lots of current and mine didn't have any cause they dont swim much the ones i had got a infection from just sitting there and no flow. the second time i tried the damn heater broke over night in the winter i was soooo pissed. but when i build my gigantic set up with a shed for filtration ill have one.


how long would one be ok in a 135gal
i plan on getting a 220 next year when we move he should be ok i that i think its recomended to be in a 180gal


Active Member

Originally posted by oliverlion
I'm getting a leopard shark for my tank, i need info... what is the necessary ph, sg and temperature of the water should be... thank you

If you're truly serious, buy Scott Michael's "Aquarium Sharks and Rays" book and read it cover-to-cover, BEFORE purchasing a shark.


honestly, it will be more rewarding to you and the animals once you get your 220 , then get a banded shark.

skark man

New Member
Hello Im new to this site and I want to know where can I buy a leopeard sharks from are any from.I stay I Tampa Fl and the pet store here have one and they are not selling him.And If you know any websites well help to .thanks


Active Member
Please do not request links to other sites...it is a violation of the board rules to post them.
I also suggest seriously reading the above posts about the needs of leopard sharks. Seems to me not many people would be about to say "sure, get one from here....."
IMO - a do not buy animal :nope:


shark man
you got alot to learn if you think your gunna keep a leopord, especially since in your info its says you have a 20 gallon... we will help you as much as we can, so first of all unless you got about a 5,000 gallon tank dont think about a leopord


WHo needs shark when you can have CLOWNFISH:happyfish YAY!!!!!!