Leopard Shark


Active Member
Sebae, please do not post links to other stores....I don't think this is the first time I have asked it, so it is not news. :notsure:


New Member
Like I said in my previous post, they are very very readily available...they breed in the coastal waters in southern california...and like it has been previously mentioned, they are illegal.
Rest assured however, it is not a matter of "if available"....they are very readily available and it is very unfortunate but many many many local fish stores in Los Angeles will sell you one for $100.
Cant say anything out of the state of california cause I dont know anybody that would risk bringing one from cali, however, these sharks should not be kept by anyone in this hobby. There is a reason it is illegal. Min length requirement is 36 inches...but it doesnt mean that people dont catch them and sell them in the aftermarket. Its quite sad actually, people need to get in the habit of leaving these sharks alone. I catch them everytime I go fishing, and throw them back. Last night I caught 9 of them, about 12 inches long...tossed them all back. However, as long as there is a demand for these sharks in the hobby, people will break the law and sell you one. No problem.
So to go back to the original question, yes, in LA there are many places you can get them from, practically any fish store actually, you just have to ask for it, and they are extremely illegal.
please look for another more suitable shark to keep.


New Member
Oh, and one more comment. If you catch one larger than 36 inches (most likely further up the coast in the San Franciso Bay) people tend to grill them up. They make great steaks. Never tried it myself, but I heard they are tasty.


Active Member

Thanks armoreefer

There are reasons some animals are illegal to keep, and I do wish that people would respect that. Sometimes just because you want it, doesn't mean you should get it.


Active Member
I imagine that it is because it is a highly specialized animal to care for and ship, and very few people have the tanks suitable for keeping them. There is probably a relatively small market compared with other types of saltwater fish.


Active Member
It is a policy of this site to not post links to other stores. It does not matter if they only sell one thing or another, or even things SWF does not carry. Please respect that policy. We will only ask so many times
so I hope you understand.


I dont think its a good policy but we must obide by it....if swf.com wants to be big and compete with other online store they should carry everything, they used to carry sharks.


Agreed - SWF should care at least a few of the smaller more "home aquarium friendly" species - like the Bamboos, epaulette, coral catshark, or Horns.
I think most people can agree - these sharks are easy to keep(all can be kept in a tank that is 150-300 gallons), very hardy - (including the normal stress of shipping), and all around some of the best sharks for the novice shark keeper.
More experienced shark keepers general know of several other sites we could get the larger, more expensive sharks - like the Bonnetheads, Blacktips, Nurses, Sharpies, Whitetips, or Wobbies.