Leopard shark ?


I am aware of divers catching mother leopards and gutting them. Supposedly, that is why they are illegal to have now. When I contacted my wholesaler, I told him I didnt want a really big one. I wasnt sure what size I was going to get. He's so small that I got rid of my banded cat, too, that I hatched, so he wouldnt harm it. I completely redid the livestock in my tank. I wanted all really small fish so I could watch them grow. That leopard in Mich that you saw was overfed for sure. 20" in 12 months is nutz!!! I'm sure I can keep these fish in this tank for atleast 3 yrs. If after that I have to buy more babies because I had to donate these for a bigger home, that is fine with me. With your 300g, you could get a baby Nurse and have no problem keeping it for years before you had to place it elsewhere. They dont grow fast either. I'm not giving you sh!t here, just lets all have fun with this hobbie..


Hey Jim, actually I just set up a little 45 gal corner tank a few days ago. My aquarium maintance buddy let me take what I wanted from his shop since I help him out with some of his accounts!! I was like a kid in a candy store!! I got my wet/dry, tank, stand, pump, JBJ power compacts, skimmer all for free!!!! I just got back from the keys on a scuba trip and got LS for it. Tomorrow, I am going to go buy some LR from a wholesale dealer and then I get to ride out the cycle! I'll probably get some "seeded" bioballs from another tank to shorten the cycle... I'm thinking of adding a mated pair of clownfish, 3 chromis, a flame angel and maybe a couple blennies over the next few months.... I have my two tanks at work to fulfill my aggressive needs! LOL