Leopard wrasse and mandarin?


Im new here... I have a 55gal that I recently had to move and re-set after not seeing the thing for close to 10 mo. (courtesy of my ex).
Moved the thing one month ago and now the few things that survived (includes a mandarin goby) after the mess he had in there are doing beautifully. I was thinking of adding a leopard wrasse, but have been told that it eats pods as well... I've also heard that the leopard wrasse can be easily trained to eat frozen foods... any one with experience on this???


I don't know from experience, but I have heard Leopard Wrasses are very very difficult to keep. I have no idea of your experience level, but just thought I would mention that


I've heard mixed info.... I'm not really sure on how hard they are to keep.
As far as my experience level, well, I'm no expert ... but I've been exposed to this hobby for about 4 yrs, but had a tank for only about a year.
Any one in the know?

yosemite sam

Active Member
I would say don't do it. While you may get lucky and get a wrasse to eat prepared foods, many do not, and in that case, you'll probably end up killing both the wrasse and the madarin from starvation.


i strongly say that you should not get a leopard i have had one in the past and you said you have had a tank for a little while but the leopard is very hard to keep ..should be left to the experts....i had an experience where i was trying to get my butterfly out of the tank and i had to take all of my rocks out and he barried himself in the sand when i had no clue i thought he died.experts only....by the way she passed a week ago