Leopard Wrasse Photos

yosemite sam

Active Member
Man, this has been the hardest fish I've ever taken care of - even worse than my Sunburst Anthias! I watched this gal for two weeks at the LFS take prepared food and it still had a hard time eating in my tank. I've been feeding live brine shrimp twice a day for the last 5 weeks and slowly trying to ween her to my regular fish food mix. She is finally eating the non-live food. I love watching this fish, always out and about, but man, a harder project I have yet to find. She's keeping her weight on, so I guess I'm doing something right. Knock on wood. Anyways, here are a few pictures...


Active Member
Gorgeous wrasse...one of the prettiest I've seen!
Don't they eat pods? That's why I've never tried one in my tank.
Good luck with that beautiful fish!


Active Member
I have to take a shot of my leopard...don't have any yet. My leopard is tough as nails.
It has now lived in 5 different tanks, and is going strong. One friend gave it to another, who in turn gave it to me...
It surfs the rockwork and DSB all day picking out pods, but also will eat brine, and flake food.


:) That is one gorgeous wrasse!!!!!! Just got a bird wrasse which is awesome need to take pics for this board........


I have a twin spot wrasse that I got when it was no more then an inch long, the LFS had him in a tiny tank for sale. Well I got it and it wouldnt eat but it kept fat... It was devouring my pod supply and is now a fat 4 inches and 1 year old and eats everything.


gorgeous fish..what kind of wrasse is it?? Im thinking of getting a harlequin but i might have to change my mind