Leopard Wrasse


Active Member
I am looking for one more fish to add to my stocklist before I get into the larger and more difficult fish on my wishlist. So far I have a sixline, 2 true percs, and a tiger jawfish (in QT). I plan on getting a copperband butterfly, dwarf angel of some kind, lieutenant tang and either a male blue throat or sargassum trigger. I really like the leopard wrasse and would be adding it after the jawfish if I decide to get one. Anyone have any experience with this fish? Is it true that they dont ship well and almost always have worms? How do you treat this? Will there be any issues with the sixline? My tank is a 125 reef and my sixline is VERY docile and shy. Would the leopard work with the rest of the stocklist I want?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
I am looking for one more fish to add to my stocklist before I get into the larger and more difficult fish on my wishlist. So far I have a sixline, 2 true percs, and a tiger jawfish (in QT). I plan on getting a copperband butterfly, dwarf angel of some kind, lieutenant tang and either a male blue throat or sargassum trigger. I really like the leopard wrasse and would be adding it after the jawfish if I decide to get one. Anyone have any experience with this fish? Is it true that they dont ship well and almost always have worms? How do you treat this? Will there be any issues with the sixline? My tank is a 125 reef and my sixline is VERY docile and shy. Would the leopard work with the rest of the stocklist I want?
I've seen good things with MAC certified leopard wrasses as far as shipping and arriving healthy. However, I do think the sixline will be a problem - when I tried that combo (also with a seemingly nice sixline), I watched the sixline kill a healthy leopard wrasse the second day after introduction.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MX#28
I've seen good things with MAC certified leopard wrasses as far as shipping and arriving healthy. However, I do think the sixline will be a problem - when I tried that combo (also with a seemingly nice sixline), I watched the sixline kill a healthy leopard wrasse the second day after introduction.

how big was your tank?


Active Member
The Leopard should do fine in your tank and sounds like a great list. Unfortunately there's no way how to predict how the Sixline will react to the Leopard. Some will get along, other's as mentioned, will kill the Leopard. I'd say about a 50/50 split.
As to finding a good Leopard, it's all about finding a healthy specimen. They bury in the sand, so when they try that in an empty tank for shipping bag inside a cooler, they tear their mouths up, will spells disaster for the fish. If you can find one that eats at the LFS, you have a pretty good shot. If you're online, I'd put a comment in the note section, asking for a smaller leopard, as they adjust better to captivity. I've never heard that Leopards usually have worms. The only treating I would do, is a quick Prazi-Pro dip.


the leopard wrasse almost always has intestinal worms, the supplier i get them from always warns me to worm them before selling as it is very well known that they carry worms, but you can take the chance, they are a beautiful fish!


Active Member
Originally Posted by -Tara33-
the leopard wrasse almost always has intestinal worms, the supplier i get them from always warns me to worm them before selling as it is very well known that they carry worms, but you can take the chance, they are a beautiful fish!
how do you treat for worms?


your lfs should have something to put in the water for it while in qt, the products you guys have are different than in oz


Active Member
bump. i really want to hear peoples opinions on one with a sixline. i have heard half so no and half so they will be fine in a 125.