Lesion on mouth of clown fish


New Member
My clown fish has an ulcer-looking sore on its mouth. It's been there for about three weeks. I was told to remove the carbon from my filter and treat my tank every day with Melafix. Today is the seventh day of that treatment and the ulcer is still there. I don't know what to do to help it.
Any help will be appreciated.


Active Member
Do you think you could take a picture or describe the sore in a bit more detail? I've read that adding some sort of stress coat product can heal wounds on fish (from what I've read about Melafix, it doesn't sound like a stress coat product. Correct me if I'm wrong, though). Is the sore getting bigger? If so, I would recommend putting the fish in a QT.


New Member
The clown fish is in QT tank. He's been in there for about three weeks. I had him in my 25 gallon tank with two other damsels. The clown fish got ich so I moved him to the QT tank. He hasn't had any ich in two weeks, so that episode is over.
The sore is white and raised. I'm sorry it's hard to describe. He also has a spot on one side that resembles a skin tag??