Let Me Have It Frag Tank Users.


Active Member
i am setting up a 20L for a frag tank. my DT is a 125. i have 760w of VHO. thats 6.08w per gallon. so i think my frag tank would be similiar to theres less shock. so this is what im thinking.
Things I Have:
Aqua Clear 500 (428 gph)
charcol,sponge,bio-max in the near future.
100 gph power head mounted on the back glass facing the front glass.
200w heater.
with the Aqua Clear and the power head is a 26.4 turnover rate. i can throttle the power filter back. is this good enough flow.
Things I Want:
Either 2 or 3 VHO. Each bulb is 24" and 75watts each.
so 2 bulbs=150w 7.5w/g
or 3 bulbs=225w 11.25w/g
i do believe this enough for softies and LPS i dont want them but possible SPS
What Should I Have:
Bare bottom
Shallow sand bed
can i put cheato under the egg crate to act like a sump.
i want to go with 10000K and 20000K lights
any suggestions are wanted.


You could add some rubble under the egg crates as a way to catch microscopic frags and that way if they fall off you might still catch a few.


Active Member
chaeto isnt a bad idea either although you wont have a lot of nutrients, but it could take the place of a skimmer with that low bio load


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishgeek01
chaeto isnt a bad idea either
I agree I think cheto is great I have it under my eggcrate in my sump/growout occasionally a polyp or coral will fall down and actually start growing attached to the cheato (this probably wont work if your chaeto tumbles) mine doesnt tumble. I've pulled zoas, shrooms, colonial anemones, and palys off my cheato.

aztec reef

Active Member
I would go for the 3 bulbs =225w, Skip the SSB and go with eggcrate or BB if you go with BB you can have even more x turnover but 26x is good.

aztec reef

Active Member
it looks fine to me, if it was i would skip on the cheato cause it may grow in unwanted places and it's not required since there's no big bioload. keep sponge clean, run carbon once a month or something. get a skimmer in the future, End of Story..


Active Member
i have a seaclone 150 laying around but shouldnt water changes take out the waste. and whats the best thing other than light to feed them in the frag tank, or is this not worth it.

aztec reef

Active Member
yeah water changes will help, but imo i would still run a skimmer, cuz when you're doing water changes you are not Only removing waste but also replenishing elements, just feed the same thing you feed your tank just in smaller portions and maybe not so often...


Active Member
light and waterchanges, are the best thing for it to maintain high concentrations of key elements and for coral growth. if your having a hard time maintaining calcium or some thing like that you may want to dose with supplements but that would depend on how much consumption is actually going on in the tank and how large you coral load is.


Active Member
i am asking all these question and different threads about frags. the funny thing is i only have the tank nothing else. but i am doing the research now so when im ready i can just buy everything i need and be done with it. the answer is probably yes but i just use the water from the DT during water changes to fill up the 20L right. i want to avoid a cycle. i dont see why not. just maybe add new salt water for the tank, wait about a week make sure levels are right and start the growing.


Active Member
one of my buddies doesnt know as much as me, but thinks he does so everyday i hear " your gonna use that combo vital right" i just needed someone to say no so i can shut him up


Active Member
Using water the your DT will not prevent a cycle. The beneficial bacteria colonizes on solid surfaces. You should grab some cured LS and LR to put in the frag tank for that purpose.
Is the frag tank close enough to your display to just plumb the two together? That would be the most ideal and easiest way to make it.


Active Member
no. why cant i use the same water, i was going to leave a new sponge in the DT and move it to the frag tank. wouldnt the water already be established. why should i use live sand and live rock. wait are u saying to set up a tank with the live sand, live rock, and just the frags. cause in my head it would look sick. no fish right. with the LS and LR. what would i need a heater, lights, how many VHO bulbs 2or 3, what type of power head, should i put on a protien skimmer, what type of filter if any with the live rock, how many power heads.

aztec reef

Active Member
I don't advocate that either, just let it cycle normaly all you need is a little bit of rock or even the shimp thing..


Active Member
i mean what ever. ill do the cycle thing but just thought if you can build a frag shelf out of egg crate and have frags in an established tank. why the hell cant you use established water and just frag. dont make sense.
wait you meant that putting the live rock and live sand in just cycle and all will be good.
sorry im not getting it right away. i am trying to give the dog a bath, but hes not really wanting to go in. but i am chasing him around and playing. my girl is getting frustrated.
wonderful world.