Let me hear about your Triggers!


Well as some of you have probably noticed I am interested in setting up an agressive tank after my 120 is running. I am looking at either a 55-65-75 gallon tank, probably the later. I want to hear from trigger owners on what trigger they have or like the best and what are it's behavior and personalities. I have aqquired a liking to the Undulate. I am looking for a real aggressive fish and heard stories that the Undulate can be shy at times. :confused:


Active Member
I have a humu in my 75 about 5.5". He is a great fish, full of personality and just plain fun to watch. I can feed him by hand, but don't, and he'll actually let my rub his nose. I have a 4" red sea undulate in a 55g by himself. He was very shy at first, and has become a bit more active in the last few weeks. He will usually go into his rock or pvc pipe if you come to the tank to quickly. He loves to dig and is absolutley gorgeous. Both of my triggers could care less what I put in their tank as long as it is edible. They are both awesome. Bo


I have had my Picasso trigger for about a year and a half (5") and he has a GREAT personality. Always swimming around. Anytime I get near the tank he follows me around (begging for food). He is a bit too nippy to let me touch his nose or anything like Grouperhead's, but none the less an incredible fish.
I am still wanting to get a clown trigger for my tank just because I think they are the best looking triggers available. Still debating due to their potentially VERY agressive behavior.


New Member
I have four triggers a clown, niger,picasso, and undulate. The undulate is all by himself and not that much fun to watch so far he likes to hide too much. For me the clown has been the most interesting, he is not shy at all and would probably eat out of my hand if I tried that. The niger is really good also he is not shy and with the right kind of light is absolutely beautiful. The picasso likes to hide unless food is available. So for me I would rate the clown first,niger second, picasso third and undulate fourth.


Active Member
My picasso is a humu. Like I said, he is out all the time. My undulate is out most of the time as well unless someone approaches the tank too quickly. Clowns are gorgeous, if you have a large enough tank, get a suitably sized fish (not a 2" juvi), and select appropriate tankmates, you will have a very rewarding pet. IMO, the undulate is the prettiest though. Bo


Active Member
WOW! S/he is gorgeous! Are you just running actinic blue lights or what? I'm about to change and put in some blue lights as I think it brings out the fishes color a lot better. Especially the blue on the picasso. Great pics of a super fish! Bo


The Lighting is as follows all Coralife VHO's 95 watt each
2) 36" 20K
2) 36" 10K
8) 36" Actinic's
and thanks for the fish complements


Great looking fish! I am pretty much set on the picasso now. I have a couple of questions for you.
1. Are those Yellow Hawaiian tangs with the picasso? And if so they get along well? Along with that star?
2. What are those red looking brances, really sharp looking, does the picasso pick at them?
3. How big is the picasso right now, and how old is he? Is he shy at all, or does he like people checking him out?
4. Could you just us "normal" lighting you get from AG hoods for the mean time?


The Tank is one BIG happy family I'll list the tank inhabbitants below as for the tangs they are the norm yellow tangs i can get the sci name if needed not the fake yellows. the trigger is about 3"'s long age unknown but is very active and doesn't hide unless the ray is out but the ray is getting a bit big and is going to a larger tank soon. the most shy fish is the powder blue tang.
1)Pic trigger
1)powder blue tang
1) black and white heniochus
1)red general star
1)green brittle star
2) normal brittles star
1)bahamma star
1)sand sifting star
5) horse shoe crabs
2) maroon clowns
8) yellow tangs
1) spotted caribbean ray
1) bubble coral
1) finger leather
1) Goriapora coral
1) pile of green polyps :)
2) purple urchin
2) pin cushion urchins
2)pencil urchins
6) feather dusters
2) condi anemones
1) long tenticle anemone
13) bubble tip anemones
10) red tree sponges
4) cleaner wrasses
1) Purple Lobster
30) peppermint shrimp
2) CBS Shrimp
4) cleaner Shrimp
i think that is it for that tank...... i have two more 180 gallon tanks being setup and in the works on a getting a 760G for the Ray due to wanting to try breeding them


Nice setup! Does the Trigger bother the stars or the anenome at all? And what ARE THE RED BRANCHES?


No the trigger doesn't seem to bother anything in the tank as least when i am looking :) and nothing seems hurts and Bitten and the red things are red tree Sponges that i got from here most of everything i have has been from here


Well now I am leaning more and more towards the picasso. I would like to throw some other fish in there as well. I dont know if I want to spend a grand on a 75 to see only one fish. Now I only wish I had about 3-4 grand laying around so I get my 120 rolling and work on the 75. Ahh patience is a virtue......


the tank that is pictured and then listed is the 125G tank, at the current age and size no the fish load is fine, But as they grow then no, but some of the items are slowly being off loaded into the 180G reef tank. Also i have found that in my cases a school seems to have a better chance at living then only one or two.... lets take for say the same about of fish about the same size but all different breeds... they would not last but when i seem to put them in school of 4 or more they do really well and are also less terratorial.


I have a Niger Trigger and if you are looking for an aggressive trigger, you don't want a niger. They are beautiful under the right lighting. Mine tends to hide in his little crevice in the live rock and is pretty skittish, him and the yellow tang are buddies and take turns picking at the seaweed salad. The Niger did get one of my dwarf zebra hermits (really small one) but it must not have tasted good b/c he never did it again.


Active Member
U235a4 what size tank is that? by the size of your lights my guess is 180? your tank looks really great. i really need to upgrade my lighting so i figured i would go with what you say. right now i have 2 10,000k bulbs and 2 50/50 actinic. they are 36" long each, i have a 180 gallon tank(6 x 2 x 2) what would you say i should add as far as lighting goes?


I have in a 240 gallon tank (these are the triggers) Queen Triggerfish(3 in.),Blue Line Triggerfish (3 in.), Niger Trigger (4 in.), and a Clown Trigger (3 1/2 in.). They all get along but the queen and the blue line. For some reason thee blue line hates the queen, so they fight now and then. The Queen is by far the coolest trigger I got, he is almost a pure adult and his streamers are in. I can already see his aggressiveness forming, but currently he is doing great, as well as my other fish.


I have a couple of large tanks, nd I keep a few different species of triggers! If you want most aggressive look for aa Queen or a Titan trigger in my experience they are the most aggresive. I keep 2 Red Sea Undulates, a Picasso, a Queen, Titan, Clown, Blue-line, Niger, Bursa, and a Hawaiian Black Trigger. I think the Hawaiian Black is the prettiest, and my queen is the meanest but they all have different personalities and I love them all!