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A brief history of the undulate trigger in my household:
Purchased by roomate Don for $12.00
Upon release from the bag (as we had tried to warn him) it began killing everything in site. Crabs, fish, and even when it was so full from eating it cont. to kill as though it was just having fun.
The last survivor a fairly large coral beauty held out for two days.
The trigger was then politely thrown into a small 10 gallon setup with no temp. or water acclimation and it scoffed death.
A week later it underwent corrective eye surgery. Don actually had it in the net out of the water and pulled of a white growth with tweezers as I kept squirting water to keep it wet. No phasing this killer.
I am now using him to cycle my new 58 gallon and am experimenting with different power head setups. He was sucked into the intake recently for so long when i pryed him off thinking he was dead he had a ring around his whole body like a hickey would give you. He once again got sucked in face first and worked himself loose aftyr a couple of minutes. Don is goping to use him to cylce his new 80 gallon when I get going. Anyhow
I have lost many fish and have never seen one as hardy and downright mean as this little 2 inch fish.
OMG... That is terrible/awesome....I'm rooting for your killer fish