Let the games begin!!


Alright today we went out and purchased the tank and stand for our 55 gallon set up
. We have decided to get most of our filters and what not online since all of the LFS's are very expensive.... We are going to get the LS, reg sand and salt at a local fish store though..
Our question is if we get the sand and salt can we add the water and start the cycle even though we dont have the filters or any BR or LR???
I guess not cause once we add the LR and BR it will start the cycle all over again huh?


You may want to wait for the LR. Technically, you could do either way. If you add just sand first, I would say make sure your water flow is good.


Active Member
If you do start the cycle without LR, then when you put in the LR it must be fully cured. If it is not cured when you put it into your tank then the die-off may start another cycle and may kill some livestock.


Well im probally going to do MOStLY BR im actually going to use HI ROcks i think and just a couple pounds of LR...
I thought by adding the salt sand and water now i could cut down on some of the waiting for the sand storm to calm down.
But the HI Rocks will start the cycle over again wont it?


base rock (if its dry) wont start a cycle. its the die off from LR that causes the cycle. the death creates ammo which has to be converted to nitrites to nitrates.
if the BR has been wet or in with LR, you chance a cycle starting in a tank which does not have the bacteria established.
also remember that a lot of the bacteria will live in the rock itself, so without any rock in the tank, while ur cycling, its not going to be really efficient because the bacteria will only have the water to live in (and any filter media u have).
i'd wait for the rock to go in too.
just my .02