Let's get creepy

keith gray

Just wondered what anyone did out there to avoid salt creep or control it ?
Do you wipe it off with a wet rag and try to dispose of it or do you simply push it back into your tank ? Can it raise your salinity to any significant degree if you just get it oun your hand and clean it off of your hand in the water ?
thoughts anyone ?


To avoid salt creep, I try to make sure there is no splashing water (good luck) LOL
I never wipe it back into the tank because it may now contain dust, also a chunk may land on one of my corals...
A lot of the time I use a piece of paper or something thin (like a picture for example) and push it onto that
If i get it on my hand, I wash it in the sink...not the tank


Well-Known Member

Avoid splash is #1. I have brushed it back in the tank, no ill effect or good either. I just use a wet cloth or paper towel to wipe stuff off. I like things clean, if a bit of salt falls in so what.